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Rose Night's Blog

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New girl on the PP block



Very first post on my very new blog!

I'm looking forward to catching up with a friend I havent seen in a while (you know who you are) are well as some new acquaintances. Feels good to be back in Brisbane after my time overseas, I'm looking forward to all sorts of new adventures and naughty encounters.

Last night I had the pleasure of having dinner with some old friends I hadn't caught up with in ages. Things got very cheery after someone brought out a case of the most amazing Chilean red wine, we had a round of secret spilling that revealed that my friends aren't nearly so innocent as they pretend.


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Useless Bastard?™


*Chuckle* And the rest of us get to guess who you are referring to. I've narrowed it down to two.


Always good to see another QLD-based girl floating around. Keep June the 22nd free, it's the currently penciled in date for the next Brisbane drinks :)

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