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Henry1's 2009 Reviews

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Private (NSW) - XX/11/09 - Paris



First Review (which got me into serious trouble for using the R word).


I was sexually abused and raped. Fuck it was good. :)

Proper review is coming but may take some time.


Second Review (the real one)




I think that this is one of the more difficult reviews I've had to write on here. The legend of Paris is well known and I find it difficult to add much in the way of information about the experience of this gorgeous woman. I will attempt to describe my experience, but I will rely on using the words of other people to a large extent.




I have been following Paris for quite a while. I enviously studied the reviews of her in Melbourne, and rued the fact that I hadn't been able to get down there for quite a long time.


Then it was announced that she was moving to Sydney. I met her at the last Sydney drinks night and was introduced by Wolfie. This was about a week before she moved here. First impression was that I would never get near enough to this woman to be able to kiss her because of these huge protuberances on her chest. Second impression was that Paris couldn't wait to get away from me. I thought that she must have been thinking "who is this totally unattractive creepy guy? I hope he doesn't try to book me". I'm being really honest here, and my first impression was of someone who was fairly shy and a bit nervous in a social situation like that. I have no idea if that is true or not, but the apparent dichotomy between this and the reviews of her piqued my interest even further.


I have to admit that I was really distracted that evening by one particular other person in the room (face and thighs in particular), and so I didn't pay much more attention to Paris. When I was leaving, however, I did go and say farewell to Wolfie, who was sitting with Paris, and while Wolfie was doing his best to wind me up.... "You goin' to visit some Sydney gay bars on the way home?"... that sort of thing, I did my best to ignore him so that I could concentrate on the intriguing woman next to him. I had to see her.


I scanned this forum and other sources to see where Paris would surface in Sydney. Amanda Heavens at Artarmon was the answer, as Scarlet. Normally I would frequent the lower priced places on Hampden Road (Jane's blow job and kisses are still in my memory, mmmmmmm......). O.K. given that it was the Sydney suburban brothel capital, and not too far for me to get to, I was prepared to stretch my punting budget to see her at AH. I turned up one day after a walk from the station on a hot day to be told that Paris was booked until 9pm. Obviously word travels fast. I tried a few times to book during the days after that, but it didn't work out. She either wasn't working or was fully booked. The stay of Scarlet at Amanda Heavens was short lived and she soon announced she would be going private at a rate of $400 an hour.


Oh well, that's it then Henry :angry: . Another woman to add to the list of "Gorgeous and sexy women I will meet when I win the lottery".


Then out of the blue, I received a totally unexpected offer from Paris that I couldn't refuse. :D We set a date and time.




As the day approached I was getting more nervous.

"My eyes and groin are permanently swollen,

I'm alternatingly brilliant and witless

—and sleepless: bed is just a swamp to roll in.

Although I'd cream my jeans touching your breast,

sweetheart, it isn't lust; it's all the rest

of what I want with you that scares me shitless."


Having seen a lovely Indian girl called Jasmine a while ago, my thoughts naturally turned to the past masters of the arts of sexual congress. Given Paris' reputation I felt I had to do some research so that I would be up to the occasion. I studied long and hard way into the night, including the works of Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi, Solomon and Mallanāga Vātsyāyana.


The last thing I wanted was to be held in contempt.


"About Men Who Are To Be Held in Contempt


Know, O My Brother (to whom God be merciful), that a man who is misshapen, of coarse appearance, and whose member is short, thin and flabby, is contemptible in the eyes of women.


When such a man has a bout with a woman, he does not do his business with vigour and in a manner to give her enjoyment. He lays himself down upon her without previous toying, he does not kiss her, nor twine himself round her; he does not bite her, nor suck her lips, nor tickle her.


He gets upon her before she has begun to long for pleasure, and then he introduces with infinite trouble a member soft and nerveless. Scarcely has he commenced when he is already done for; he makes one or two movements, and then sinks upon the woman's breast to spend his sperm; and that is the most he can do. This done he withdraws his affair, and makes all haste to get down again from her.


Such a man - as was said by a writer - is quick in ejaculation and slow as to erection; after the trembling, which follows the ejaculation of the seed, his chest is heavy and his sides ache.


Qualities like these are no recommendation with women. Despicable also is the man who is false in his words; who does not fulfil the promise he has made; who never speaks without telling lies, and who conceals from his wife all his doings, except the adulterous exploits which he commits.


Women cannot esteem such men, as they cannot procure them any enjoyment."


I was nervous.




At last I arrived. I was hot as always, and literally dripping. That didn't stop the initial welcome and I quickly found that the "two breasts which are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies" didn't prevent the soft and tender kisses which ensued. "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine". Eventually I had to protest and say that I needed a shower. The soft and tender kisses had reassured me though, and my nervousness started to subside.


I sat on the toilet to undress while Paris sat in a provocative position on the floor outside. We chatted and I drew her attention to the matters of business. She offered to give me $10 change. She's a real comic. :lol:


I got out of the shower but she was still dressed (sort of). The clothes eventually came off.


" Licence my roving hands, and let them go,

Before, behind, between, above, below.

O my America! my new-found-land,

My kingdom, safeliest when with one man mann'd,

My Mine of precious stones, My Empirie,

How blest am I in this discovering thee!

To enter in these bonds, is to be free;

Then where my hand is set, my seal shall be.

Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee,

As souls unbodied, bodies uncloth'd must be,

To taste whole joys. Gems which you women use

Are like Atlanta's balls, cast in men's views,

That when a fool's eye lighteth on a Gem,

His earthly soul may covet theirs, not them.

Like pictures, or like books' gay coverings made

For lay-men, are all women thus array'd;

Themselves are mystic books, which only we

(Whom their imputed grace will dignify)

Must see reveal'd. Then since that I may know;

As liberally, as to a Midwife, shew

Thy self: cast all, yea, this white linen hence,

There is no penance due to innocence.

To teach thee, I am naked first; why then

What needst thou have more covering than a man."


We retired to the bed.


"You wear me down, obsessively

rubbing your hands along my better judgment,

kissing the upturned noses of all my higher principles, until

my clothes are big as a mast sail,

until my longing leavens one thousand wedding cakes,

my longing is an undertow, and all the tourist beaches are posted: Danger."


Now the experience of Paris has been described in much detail on here. I don't intend to describe our meeting in the same terms.


It is enough to say that the lingam in my case, and the yoni (as well as the jaghana) in Paris' case were given full attention. My ministrations to her yoni were really enjoyed unless I am much mistaken. My lingam enjoyed the exquisite delights of Auparishtaka, extending to the "Sucking Of The Mango Fruit" "Outside Pressing" and "Swallowing Up". There must be chapters missing from the writings of Mallanāga Vātsyāyana, as I am sure that we did more than "The Rising Position" and "The Highest Congress".


"Coming together

it is easier to work

after our bodies


paper and pen

neither care nor profit

whether we write or not

but as your body moves

under my hands

charged and waiting

we cut the leash

you create me against your thighs

hilly with images

moving through our word countries

my body

writes into your flesh

the poem

you make of me.


Touching you I catch midnight

as moon fires set in my throat

I love you flesh into blossom

I made you

and take you made

into me."


At this point Richard Cheese's cover of 2 Live Crew was running through my mind, in particular the line "Put your lips on my dick and suck my asshole too".


I finally entered into "Lower Congress" and warned Paris that this would make me finish our congress fairly quickly. She said "Don't you dare, boy". We then entered into a position that had not been found in my preceding research, and I spent myself in a quintessentially Paris way. I wasn't quick enough to engage in "The Fighting Of The Tongue". She's a really greedy bitch. Not only does she charge money for enjoying herself so much, but she wants her extra 5 milligrams of flesh as well. Women! :wacko: They're such selfish bitches at times. :)




"As we are so wonderfully done with each other

We can walk into our separate sleep

On floors of music where the milkwhite cloak of childhood lies


O my lady, my fairest dear, my sweetest, loveliest one

Your lips have splashed my dull house with the speech of flowers

My hands are hallowed where they touched over your soft curving.


It is good to be weary from that brilliant work

It is being God to feel your breathing under me"


We chatted and I struggled to get away. Paris raised the question of business matters regarding our next session. You are a lovely woman Paris, and I wouldn't dream of letting you pay me so that you can see me again. ;) You are worth more than you charge.***


I'll be back Paris. I've been having a few ideas since our meeting, and I usually allow a bit more intimacy on a second date. My thoughts are centring around Tiger Balm and Ice Cubes. It's a female equivalent of Fire and Ice. :lol:


What can I say. In spite of the apparently shy person I met at drinks, this woman is an outrageous extrovert of a sex machine.


She is bossy.

She won't take no for an answer.

She knows what she wants and she gets it.


You've completely destroyed my principles Paris. You know that I told you at the start of our time together that I only like to have a chat, kiss and cuddle on a first date. Did you listen to me? NO! I hope that you're happy with corrupting an innocent nice boy like me. Oh, and next time we meet, can you please try not to shout out some other guy's name when you orgasm? It's very off putting. :wub:


Are there any women out there who would be happy to meet me for a drink, chat and maybe a quick pash on the first date? ;)


Please stay the same beautiful, kind hearted, gorgeous, generous and sexy woman that you are Paris. Spending time with you was a pleasure that I struggled to find words to describe. It will definitely be repeated.




*** Yes, I actually wrote that in the review. It was very uncharacteristic of me so please accept my humble apologies, fellow punters.

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