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Oldandbald's 2010 Back Catalogue

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Albany Massage – 11.04.2010 – Judy



Albany Massage – 11.04.2010 – Judy

A good performance by a new Lady


The Executive Summary for those that are time poor:

Judy is a petite Chinese lady, barely 5 feet tall.

She competently provided the “Full body therapy” and “warm personal service” the advertising for this place promises.


The long, waffling, self indulgent bit:


Of late, I have been visiting this place most Sundays for my Sunday devotionals. I have been alternating between the enthusiasm of Amy and the tenderness of Lisa. Sometimes life is tough! Today I arrived at about sixish and was met at the door by Mina. She led me upstairs and asked if I wanted to see Lisa or the new girl Judy. I opted for Lisa, but Mina eventually talked me into seeing Judy. Still not sure how – I probably need a hearing aid to go with my glasses :). I think Lisa may have been finishing up with another punter. There were some massage noises coming from the front upstairs “room”. I couldn’t place which lady’s giggles they were – may have been Lisa, but sounded more like Amy.


So Judy is Chinese – no surprises there, and small. Only 5 feet (or a little less) tall but all in proportion. A delightfully curved butt and cute large A or small B cups. She is carrying a little bit of fat around the middle, but less than I am. Cute, but unremarkable face. Age I would put at mid 20s, but I could be mistaken there. Today is her first day working at Albany.


The service begins with a hug and a gentle kiss, we then disrobe and I lie on the table. For the first half on my usual hour session there is what seems to be a good massage. I asked for a medium and that is pretty much what I got. She used her hands, forearms and elbows for one of the better massages I have received here. Amy used to give a good massage as well – and probably still would if I asked :). During the massage, my hands were wandering and met no resistance. It was a great pleasure to grasp that cute little butt (Judy seemed to like it as well!).


The massage became more soft and sensual and began to involve the application of breasts to my back. Turnover time arrived and we negotiated the nature of the happy ending (and the additional consideration). We put all the facilities in the luxury suite at Albany to good use. The happy ending was delivered well, but without quite the enthusiasm of Amy or the tenderness that Lisa has been showing me of late. It also arrived earlier than I would have liked, but not really due to any fault of Judy. Perhaps I should have slowed her down at times. Afterwards, there was a little more massage, largely one handed while we cuddled up together. There was some kissing, but it wasn’t what you would call passionate.


After all was done, we dressed and wandered downstairs. Mina was there and gave me her now customary farewell hug, and when Judy was out of earshot asked me “Was she was good? Was she as good as Lisa?” My response: “Yes, she was good, but not as good as Lisa”. I did qualify that with “But I have seen Lisa several times and we know what each other likes.” I think Judy may improve on subsequent visits. Mina also told me that Lisa had asked her if I had come in today. Mina said that she had told Lisa a little white lie that I had not been there. I am obviously spending far too much time here if the ladies know when to expect me!!


All together a more satisfactory experience with a new girl than with Cindy last Monday.


As it turned out, on the other forum, there were three reviews of this place posted about punts on this weekend, and another review about a Friday punt. Some banter ensued (along the lines of "the whole gang was here", and this was the origin of my joint punt with Henry1. We have both reviewed that in the appropriate place on PP.


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