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Oldandbald's 2009 Back Catalogue

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AEM Burwood – 03/12/2009 – Bella



AEM Burwood – 03/12/2009 – Bella

One for old times’ sake


I blame Bella for my obsession with the world of R&T. I first met her in 2001. Prior to that I was working in the CBD of Sydney and used to punt in various dodgy (largely Asian) shops in the Central/Surry Hills area, with the occasional diversion to some less dodgy (OK mainstream - The Black Cat, City Rose and the like) shops.


My first R&T experience was a disappointing and ultimately unsatisfactory encounter with a lady by the name of Cleo at King's Court in 1994. Fast forward to 2001 and I was in the Oxford Tavern (OK I know I am depraved) ogling the topless barmaids and the dancers. At the time they had a stack of the old "Naughty Sydney" papers on the bar and I was reading one in the breaks between shows. I saw the adverts for the AEM branches and thought "Why not?"


I turn up, do the introduction thing and chose Bella. During the session, she begins the tug and says "I want you to come all over my tits". I am sold. Since then, I think she has been my second most frequently visited lady since.


The Present:


I am in the Oxford Tavern again (some things in the Universe are constant), but the place is going downhill - it almost seems like they are trying to kill it, or maybe shift their core business to the pokies. Anyhow, out of idle interest, I give the Burwood shop a call to see who is on. When they say Bella, I make a booking.




No other way to say this, she is a big girl. 8 or 9 years ago, I would have put her at a size 14. She was certainly from the Big tits, round arses type of lady. She has since put on more weight, mostly around the waist. She is of Italian heritage, dark curly hair to collar blade length and big, surprisingly firm natural breasts (well beyond D cup). She is bright and bubbly - some would say overly so.


The Service:


Massage - Didn't happen. We spent the entire session fondling each other, kissing nipples, stroking sensitive bits and so on. Precise details are lost in an alcoholic haze, however the tug led to a suitable happy ending (surprising due to the alcohol and the 7 punts in the previous 6 days) and I would like to think we both had a good time (I know I did!!). Rekindled a lot of old (and some not-so-old) memories.


Of course, this is very much a vase of YMMV. I have been a long term regular of Bella, she is not by any stretch of the imagination a glamour, but I find her fun to be with.


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