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Henry1's 2008 Reviews

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Fallen Angels - 15/08/08 - Lisa



Went here again in search of Sophie. She wasn't working but 3 ladies were available so I asked for an intro to all 3.


Lisa looked nice and I had a feeling she looked familiar.

Yumi looked yummy as well. Third was Gigi, shyer than the other 2 and said she didn't kiss. I went with the gut instinct and saw Lisa for half an hour ($80 as it was before 6pm).


Once in the room I said, I've seen you before but not here. She said yes, I saw you at Eastwood once. Wow..... despite the fact that I look quite different these days she remembered me. So it's not true that Asians all look alike to us westerners, or conversely that foreign devils all look the same to Asians. :P Turns out she is a friend of Sophie (she was standing in for her) and does this very rarely (sorry guys, this review is not going to be much help if you want to see her).


The room was probably smaller and not as well presented as last time, but generally a bit above average for a cheaper Asian parlour. At least the shower is in the room and there is a bed and not a massage table. :)


I had a lovely time as she was very affectionate. CBJ followed by mish, cowgirl, then finished in doggie. She was lovely to kiss, not DFK but quite good all the same.


I took all of the 30 minutes (yes she remembered OK... "you strong man... hahaha") and at $80 I couldn't complain.


Lovely lady with a fabulous manner and smile and it's a pity I probably won't meet her again given that this is a very casual occupation for her. Ships that pass in the night. Oh well.


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