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Miranda from club striptease 24-9-09 - Miranda Reviewed by theProf (Cloud burst's and credit cards




CS - 24-9-09 - Miranda Reviewed by theProf (Cloud burst's and credit cards







After my night out checking out the Mens Gallery and Goldfingers I decided it was finally time to check out Club Striptease to see what all the fuss was about.


So off I go, GPS programed for the Drive south, the suburb I left from was dry as I approached the destination the clouds began to look menacing maybe this is Omen I thought.


I missed the turn off and had to double back to arrive at Kipiling a good thing I had read the directions 'cause that turn at the end of the street is easy to miss.


I arrive just as it starting to rain head into CS to find Miranda sitting on the desk and the receptionist running around like a woman trying to do twenty things at once.

She sits me down and explains the RULES and sends me over to the couch for the intro's.


As this was a reckon visit I didn't book anyone, I had looked at the roster and it looked like quite a a few where on but when I arrived there only two where available.


Miranda moved off the desk and did an intro and so did another girl who's name I have forgotten. I was then asked make a decision so I choose Miranda for 30 minutes.


Miranda is not my type but she seemed a nice girl descriptions are as previously described except now her hair is a bit longer with odd blond streak. Her breast are indeed natural D cups!


So next we try and settle the financials well what a saga that turned out to be. I wanted to pay with a credit card so off they trot only to come back and say it was rejected WTF. Ok lets try my Gold Card the same thing.

At his point I decided I really did want have Miranda dance for me and there is an ATM up the street. So out into the rain I head, by this time it had turned into a mini cloud burst. Got the required money and get back to CS looking and feeling like a drowned rat.


So finally into the room, Miranda dims the lights, puts on the music and start to dance very seductively. Being a veteran of City Strip Clubs where touching can be restricted I waited for a sign from Miranda. When that sign came I grab handful of her ample breasts and the poor girl leaped back in shock, I wonder what happened then realized by hands where like ice. We stopped had I little bit of chat and I said you have to warm up my hands. This she proceeded to do this in a fine fashion.


Miranda has nice skin just to run your hands over and she loves dance up close so once my hands warmed up I spent time exploring the allowed areas Miranda said she like the feel of my hands on her body. She especially loved having my fingers run lightly over her back. When the time came for her remove her panties she exclaimed "Oh you made me a bit wet" this a nice turn on for me as well.


All to soon the dance was over we had a quick chat and I was on my way - it had stopped raining.


Miranda offered no extra's and in the quick chat I had with her I got the feeling she doesn't offer them. What she did offer was a nice up close and personal dance better than I have had at any Gentleman's Club in Vic or Queensland.

I am a CS convert.







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