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Melbourne Colosseum - Lynn/Lilly - 21/04/08



Johhnythefox met the absolutely beautiful Lynn a week prior whilst having a quick chat with Michael at the reception counter. It was about 6pm, and Lynn was on way home. She was wearing a long peach coloured overcoat and Johnny was struck by Lynn's natural beauty, as would have to be the prettiest girl that Johnny has set eyes on at MCs.


Her smile and face radiates a certain warmth and friendliness. After a few words and laughs, Johnny quickly decides that he'll be back to book this lovely girl very, very soon.....


The following week, Johnny's out and about, and with plans to catch Coco, but alas she has not showed for her long awaited tour. Yim recites the ladies who are available, and I'm pleased to advise that the lovely Lynn has just finished a booking and is now available. (Later I discover that Johnny's booked Lynn immediately after the famous punter Little Rooter, who has also happened to provide a review Lynn on this occasion). It makes for an interesting comparison of reviews, and is an absolute case of YMMV.


Lynn is looking absolutely wonderful today, and as Johnny follow her upstairs, he ponders how this booking will go. Johnny comments to Lynn on how pretty she looks, and she parades around on the bed while he showers. She's doing a catwalk tease on the bed, and checking herself out in the mirror while she slowly undresses. She's really giving Johnny a tease and is expectations of this session begin to grow.


We collapse on the bed together, and have a brief intro. She immediately reminds Johnny of his recent visits to MCs, including his booking with Nicole and Tina this past week. Lynn begins with some massage, and enjoyable foreplay, and soon moves to CBJ. She positions herself carefully at 90 degrees to my side, making herself almost out of reach. Johnny strokes her body, and gently touches her breasts and admires her beautiful body. Many a WL would move towards a 69er by now, but not this beauty. Lynn's almost blown poor old Johnny away by now, and as she moves to a session of cowgirl, it takes all of Johnny's efforts to stay intact. Whilst she won't kiss you on the lips, she provides a sensuous experience up close and tight together.


We move thru a variety of positions, and the time with Lyn is most enjoyable. She's friendly, talkative and a pleasure to be around. Johnny's a little confused with this session. He's spent a wonderful 45mins with an absolute stunner, we seemed to hit it off and got on well, Lynn almost providing a GFE. Lynn seemed to enjoy the session, but tends to holds back. We shower together, and chat while dressing, and walk out together, hand in hand. As we say goodbye there's barely a kiss goodbye.


So where to from here, Johnny questions himself – return visit or not?


Perhaps next time Johnny should borrow LRs honey pot and see what reaction takes place? Perhaps Johnny should seek some punting advise from LR?


Well, Johnny's decided to rise to the challenge laid down, as he's noticed that some of the star performers keep a little in reserve, providing a little more each booking. Johnny's discovered over his short punting career, that longer bookings, and frequency of repeat bookings lead to increased satisfaction and service levels.


Watch this space for the next round when Johnnythefox returns for another round with this interesting lady.





If you never never go, you'll never never know


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