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WARNING ....To all lovers of the Cowgirl position



Well this Blog will no doubt cause some mirth.


Clandy fractured his dick!! :(


Yep, it happened during a very vigorous and lustful session at the start of March. The lady was in the Asian Cowgirl position and bouncing up and down with her full weight behind the downward thrust, jamming me onto her cervix and then rose off me and plunged again. Unfortunately, this time little chappie was off centre and rammed into the bone of her perineum causing instant pain.


Now it is common for this to occur in the 20’s-30’s and not so common in the 50+ age and when a penis does “break” you hear a popping sound as the cartridge separates. Thankfully I cant remember if I did or didn’t.


Now if you can imaging Nicole Kidman’s’ nose (slight upturn at the end,) well that was little chappie for the first few weeks. I must say this upturn has dissipated somewhat since then. The upturn was not as dramatic as a break (where you could massage the G Spot with the head).


How exactly does penile fracture happen?

Any situation during intercourse when there is thrusting and when the penis, instead of penetrating its normal location, is hitting some solid structure (such as the perineum). Usually this occurs during regular vaginal sex with the woman on top, but it can happen in the missionary position or during sexual acrobatics. We had this patient who suffered penile fracture after running across the room and trying to penetrate his wife with a flying leap.

What can doctors do to fix the tear?

We put the person on general anesthesia and open up the skin through one or more incisions in the penis. Then we find the edge of the tear and close it up with sutures. Sometimes these tears are extensive and span half the circumference of the penis (usually the tears are crosswise), requiring about 10 stitches. Then we close everything up. The operation takes about an hour, and most people go home right after. Most can resume sex in about a month (after the wound has healed).


Now not being one to rush to the doc and thinking it might right itself with a little help, Honey Adams :P offered to play doctor and see if she could help straighten it out using a vacuum suction technique; so we tried for a few hours and although my eyes were rolling back in my head, little chappie still pained after and I have been forced to go see a Urologist to assess the damage much to Honey's insistance. The visit is scheduled in MAY (SHIT, I’m glad I am not bleeding). This puts a double with Taylor and Honey at risk in April but lets just wait and see on that one! ;)


I have no doubt it’s a fracture as its not the typical “break” with the associated symptoms (check out broken penises on Google images) as this is an Operation I wouldn’t be looking forward too.


I leave you with an article that is worth reading.



So, as a word of warning to all who love this position. A broken penis is quite a common injury and is usually associated with this position.

Enjoy but don’t withdraw completely…or you might be next!


Now I’m off to Koh Samui to lie on the beach and refrain from getting stiff for a couple of weeks.


Oh and how can you do that you ask…I’m taking a picture of my Mother in Law with me. :blink:


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It can happen in any position.. And all a Urologist will want to do is operate or medicate..


What you should be doing is researching alternative and natural methods like what Dr Theodore advises on his site http://peyronies-disease-help.com/

This man gets it because he has been through it himself.


Because you've fractured/broken your penis, there will be scar tissue, so all the peyronies advice (eating healthy, taking enzymes/vitamins etc) will help you far more than having an operation or being prescribed Cialis/Viagra.


Depending how bad the fracture/break was, it's a long and often very traumatic road emotionally, mentally and physically to recovery, but it is possible..


I had a very close male friend that it happened to in his 20's. I know first hand just how much of an impact it can have on ones life..


So Good Luck ;)

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Did you say Honey used a Vacuum Cleaner on you !!

Cowgirl Clandy

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Lil Cowgirl Elle


Not all providers of Cowgirl are the same lolz. Never injured one sexual partner...it's so important to know what you're doing as although it's fun, sometimes fun leads to un-fun :(

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<totally dumbstruck and unable to conceive of something to type, but overwhelmed by the urge to type something to show my mix of shock, sympathy, cringeworthy pain, and many other yet to be determined emotions>

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I am cheating


Are you kidding C. Koh Samui and you will refrain from boning up???? Haha. Good luck with that!

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Not all providers of Cowgirl are the same lolz. Never injured one sexual partner...it's so important to know what you're doing as although it's fun, sometimes fun leads to un-fun :(

I remember very clearly how you got your name beautiful. Hopefully you can educate me again. lol

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Are you kidding C. Koh Samui and you will refrain from boning up???? Haha. Good luck with that!

Yes, total punishment...

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look forward to reading all about how this happened in graphic detail in the review :wacko: :unsure:

which I assume will be post #5000 ;)

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Clandy Geez , I'm reall sorry mate , that's well I don't know what to say , shocking.... It brought cringe worthy tears to my eyes :(. I hope it gets well soon , admire your sense of humour & for sharing and get well soon . I will be careful after reading this :(

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Kellie Blair


OUCH! omg babe, hoping for a speedy recovery. Fortunately I haven't injured anyone thank god, I would feel so bad.


You need someone to kiss it better! hehe ;)

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look forward to reading all about how this happened in graphic detail in the review :wacko: :unsure:

which I assume will be post #5000 ;)

Already posted under Blake, JUrgen
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frequent flyer



Mate it hurts just thinking about it and unfortunately for me my imagination is just a bit too vivid1 Reminds me of a similar experience where I had to ask a rather energetic girl to stop because I thought it would break. Maybe just as well I did

Get well soon

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Ouch only just stumbled on this, its always the sudden stop that gets you - never happened to me but in my youth during vigorous sex with the ex wife, can't remember the position - but pulled out a little to far went to put it back in missed - Oh yes it hurt both of us kinda ruined the moment ;) So even since then been very careful on the thrust.

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On 31/03/2013 at 9:16 PM, holly said:

noooooooooooooo.......... :(

Well at least you have my original dick cloned Holly😜

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On TV they described one incident involving roughly 20 year olds. She lay on her back with legs spread. He then jumped from half a metre higher higher, aiming to enter her, but missed. This really broke it. I think there may have been alcohol involved.


It does make you think. It is a lot of fun to really use the full length of your cock, but not good to get it wrong.

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