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Ins and outs of the sex industry from the view of a receptionist. 

Entries in this blog

A Day in the Life of a Parlour Receptionist | When Punters Make a Move on Us

We thought we would post a bit of a fun look into the behind the scenes of working as a Receptionist at an Erotic Massage Parlour. No offence is intended by this blog post. As the Recep, we have a lot of jobs to fulfil. Whilst we do a lot of cleaning, laundry, restocking etc, our biggest and main job is answering the phone, replying to messages and greeting clients at the door. Sounds pretty easy, you might think? Sure, it's mostly easy, but is it all easy-going?! Replying to hundreds

Studio 23

Studio 23 in Secrets of a Parlour Receptionist

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