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Hardon1960's Blog

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The Grovesnor - xx/01/10 - Pauline

My private had to cancel our booking due to ill health so I dropped in to the Grovesnor to see what was on offer. There were about 6 ladies available and I decided I liked the look of Pauline. Pauline is of Mediterranean origin, only been here one year, has an exotic IMO eastern european accent, she has short dark hair, about size 10, small B breasts and a couple of tattoos.   From the moment she got on the bed and started kissing me Pauline was already very wet. The session was good with lots

Floppie (fka Hardon)

Floppie (fka Hardon)

Manhattan Terrace - 17/1/10 - Jade

Went to dinner at Society with a fellow FIA member and then onto a girlie bar crawl, MG, Centrefold, GF.   Spent way too much money on dances and DRINKS, got kicked out of GF at about 6am as it was closing so as you do off to the knock shop.   We went to Manhattan Terrace and there were only 3 ladies available, the first was forgettable the second, Jade a nice friendly mature brunette and the 3 was a slim very attractive young blonde with a hat on.   Both of us prefered Jade but my mate to

Floppie (fka Hardon)

Floppie (fka Hardon)

Private (VIC) - 09/03/10 - Simply Bliss

I only noticed the recent reviews of Simply Bliss having missed the earlier ones. Sounded like a must have experience as I am very much into the touch and tease encounter.   PM'd SB last week to see if she would have me as a client. She answered in the affirmative and today the stars lined up for me when I finished work early and on the spur of the moment checked SB's availability - there was a opening in the late over.   Arrived at the appointed time and was meet by the lovely smile of SB

Floppie (fka Hardon)

Floppie (fka Hardon)

Private(VIC) – 24/3/10 – Hannah Lemieux

I have lusted after Hannah since first laying eyes on her at a drinks night in early 2009. I found Hannah to be a beautiful and very intelligent young lady who is quietly spoken and has a cheeky twinkle in her eyes and a killer smile. Subsequent encounters with Hannah at later drinks nights just made me lust more and more for her. Hannah is always immaculately dressed and the centre of attention. As luck had it Hannah has gone from being unavailable in Victoria to working as an escort in VIC

Floppie (fka Hardon)

Floppie (fka Hardon)

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